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Collective Worship

At our school, we meet together every day for a whole school act of worship.

Mondays are led by Mrs Prenton or, once a month, by Andy Avery from CSCW (Chester Schools Christian Work).

Tuesdays are led by Mrs Fabby and focus on the termly values: we talk about what they mean, how the memory verse links to these values, what we can learn from them and how they link to our whole school Christian Vision of 'Love, learn and grow together'.

Wednesdays are led by Mrs Fabby and we sing songs that are linked to our termly values.

Thursday are mostly led by the children with each class taking a turn to plan and lead an act of worship once a term. These acts of worship focus on important days, often link to charities and are always linked to our termly values.

Fridays are a chance for the staff to celebrate those children who have stood our during the week for their positive attitude or effort in lessons or around school. These children are given certificates to reward them for their achievements. During this act of worship, we also celebrate children who have stood out because of their writing: these children are our writers of the week.

The termly value is taken from the list of Christian Values found on the Christian Values 4 Schools website, and could be one of the following:

Friendship        Forgiveness        Peace        Compassion         Trust         Love       Creation       Hope    Perseverance          Justice        Thankfulness       Reverence         Humility         Service       Fellowship



Year 1/2 led Pentecost for us this year. Mr Murphy's Class talked about Ascension Day, Mrs Calvert/Mrs Allason's Class acted out the story of Pentecost and Mrs Wright's Class taught us some more about Spiritual Development.

We all learnt a lot.


Year 5 led the Easter service in the church and taught everyone about the importance of Easter.


Year 3/4 led our harvest service again this year and all food collected was donated to Foodbank Chester. 

Harvest 1.jpg  Harvest 2.jpg


Year 5 led our Easter service in the church. They acted out the story of the events that led to Jesus' death and the whole school joined in with singing some lovely songs.



The Ethos group led the Pentecost service this year. Pentecost singing.jpg

Ascension introduction.jpgThey taught us about Ascension Day and Pentecost.

They acted out part of the story of Pentecost. Pentecost acting.jpg

Everyone singing Pentecost.jpgThe whole school joined them in church to watch and we sang some songs altogether. 

Choir performed a song for everyone. Choir singing.jpg

Pentecost prayers.jpgThey led us in some prayers.

One Reception parent said: "Our son came home and told us all about Pentecost Day and what it means." Pentecost discussion.jpg





On Thursday 20th October, Year 3 and 4 led our Harvest Assembly. It was the first time since Covid that we have been able to invite our parents to one of our special acts of worship.

One class shared a special harvest story with us.


Another told us about how harvest is celebrated in other countries.IMG-20221020-WA0003 (1).jpg

IMG-20221020-WA0005.jpg   They also told us about why harvest is so important.

Prayers were shared too. IMG-20221020-WA0004(1).jpg   And songs were sung with the whole school.

Some of our Year 5 children said: "I really liked how we got together and sang together and how the parents came."

Another Year 5 children said: "I really liked it when the mice learnt what harvest is all about." 

IMG-20221020-WA0001.jpgThank you to everyone who donated food. It was taken to the Chester Food Bank. 



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Saughall All Saints C of E Primary SchoolChurch Road,