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Year 1 & 2 Class information page 2023 - 2024

Mrs Calvert

Mrs Allason

Mrs Wright

Mr Murphy

Welcome to Year 1 & 2 Class Page - Summer 1



In Literacy this half term, we are reading a book called 'The Dragon Machine written by Helen Ward. This will be our text used in all Literacy lessons and once we have read a little each day and worked on a range of writing skills, children can look forward to writing a fictional story with an adventure focus by the end of this unit. 

dragon machine.jpg


In Maths, Year 1 and Year 2 will be covering different topics over the course of the half term. 

Year 1 will begin the term with Fractions and Geometry before moving on to Place Value (to 100), Measurement and Time. Year 2 will be exploring Fractions and Time before looking at Statistics and Position and Direction. 


Foundation Topics

In Science, we will be learning about investigations of the human body. We will be undertaking a variety of experiments to answer different investigative questions. 

During Summer 2, we will be undertaking our Local Study Week with both geographical and historical focuses. We will be exploring our school and our local village of Saughall, looking at these two locations now and over the last 100 years. 

In RE, we will be learning about Christianity. We will be exploring the stories of the Bible and asking ourselves how these stories help us to learn about God. 

In Art, we will be looking at using colour mixing to create artwork based on dragon scales. 

In Music, we will be looking at beat using number. In this unit, the children develop a sense of 
steady beat through using movement, body 
percussion and instruments. 

In PHSE, we will be looking at the worldwide organisation Fairtrade. We will be investigating Fairtrade products and farmers whilst better understanding the work carried out and the message promoted. 



We are continuing to follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, Revised. This scheme will be used to teach Year 1 phonics and Year 2 spelling lessons. 


Your child will also continue to come home with a book for enjoyment. We will not be expecting your child to be able to read all of this book independently. It is exactly as it says - a book to enjoy, alone, with a parent, with a sibling, with anyone! Just enjoy the story together. Let them read bits that they can but most importantly take the time in a comfy spot - bed, sofa or even outside - together! This book will be changed only on a Monday.

Don't forget to read your e-book or your coloured book at home at least three times a week. Please use the reading record provided to record ONLY e-book/colured book reads where sessions have been child led - we do not expect reading for pleasure sessions or adult led reading to be recorded. 

Remember, you will receive a reward for CHILD LED reading at home as follows:

White = 15 reads

Bronze = 30 reads

Silver = 45 reads

Gold = 60 reads

Platinum = 75 reads

Platinum + = 100 reads

Diamond = 150 reads

Ruby = 200 reads

Emerald = 250 reads


In PE this term, we will be doing Scatter Ball on Mondays and Sports Day practice on Tuesdays. Please note this change in days.  

The children should come to school at the beginning of the half term with their PE kit in a small, drawstring bag, which is to be kept in school until the end of the half term when we will send them home for washing. We would also appreciate your help in allowing the children to independently dress and undress themselves at home.  In Key Stage 1, it is an expectation that the children get themselves ready for PE.

Children will usually wear their white shorts and navy PE t-shirt for PE but, while the cooler weather is lingering, they can instead wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings with their PE t-shirt and school sweatshirt or cardigan if they wish to. Invasion Games will take place outside every Friday so warmer clothing is required for this lesson in particular. It is a good idea to have both options in the PE bag - please make sure that you show your children the different items that are in there or even get them to pack it with you!

Please ensure all items are labelled with your child's name. If items of clothing are lost and are unnamed, it is incredibly difficult for these to be returned to their owner. 



We will continue sending home Maths homework on a Tuesday.  This homework is to be returned by Monday the following week. Each term, your child will also receive a learning log task.

Children are responsible for bringing home the work which has been set for them and then handing it in the following week. This promotes further independence.


Your child will no longer bring home a list of spellings to learn each week. Instead, they will bring home a spelling activity which links to the learning taking place in class that week. The children will explore a spelling rule through the given activity. This will come home each Tuesday.



Your child will need a coat in school at all times as we will be doing as much as we can outside.

No bags, apart from lunch bags, book bags and PE bags, are needed in school.

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including PE kits, shoes, and coats, have the children's names on the labels.  The children may be able to identify their belongings at home, but it is surprising how difficult they find it when they haven't worn something for a while and it looks so similar to everyone else’s!



Water Bottles

Please remember that children need a full water bottle every day and we will send them home every night for a wash and refill.



Things to Do at Home

Times Table Rock Stars
Practise your times tables and test your recall of multiplication facts against the clock.

Play here: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/23174


ICT Games (Maths)
Click the 'Maths' tab to have a go at all sorts of different interactive maths activities

Play here: http://www.ictgames.co.uk/


ICT Games (Phonics)
Click the 'English' tab to have a go at all sorts of different interactive phonics and spelling activities

Play here: http://www.ictgames.co.uk/


Spelling Shed
Practise the spelling of Common Exception Words and apply your phonics skills

Log-in here: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login


Oxford Owl (Reading)
Free-to-read, colour-banded Oxford Reading Tree books to read digitally

Log-in here: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students (Just create a personal log-in for this one)


Maths Songs
Sing along to some great maths songs to practise your times tables, counting and shapes

Watch here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWc_LkDZW58oQMe7wohFAHtNYKBNR33Yz


French Songs
Learn some French with these French songs

Watch here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWc_LkDZW58obrbMnUn1koF06SegiSuq6


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