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Year 3 & 4 Class information page 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hughes

Mr Fuller

Mrs Hooper

Mr Dixon


Welcome to Year 3 and 4

The teachers in Year 3 and 4 are: Mr Fuller, Mr Dixon, Mrs Hooper and Mrs Hughes. 


Our topic for the final part of the Summer Term is 'The Mayans' 

'Who were the Mayans?' 

This is a History based topic, where we will learn all about the Ancient Civilisation of the Mayans.  


To find out more click on these websites or QR codes:

An introduction to the ancient Maya - BBC Bitesize



School Learning Zone - The Mayan Civilisation

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Our literacy lessons for this half term will be based on a book called 'Blue John' 

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A spell-binding tale of magic and mysticism for young readers that explores the wonder of nature, from award-winning Berlie Doherty.

The Queen of Darkness lives deep underground beneath a mountain with her child, Blue John, a boy she made from the blue of the glacier and the hot yellow light of the sun. Blue John is forbidden to leave his mother's side, but the lure of the light above is too strong. When a singing, dancing girl comes to the caves, Blue John must make a choice between darkness and light. A heart-warming story that embraces the beauty and colours of the natural world. High quality cream paper and a special easy to read font ensure a smooth read for all.

Throughout these lessons we will be learning how to: 

  • Build an increasing range of sentence structures
  • Use paragraphs to organise information and ideas around a theme
  • Use causal conjunctions (but, because, after, before, so, although)
  • Use connecting adverbs (however, consequently, in addition, therefore, as a result)



In Maths, we will be focusing on: 

Year 3: Time, shape and statistics. 

Year 4: Time, shape and position and direction. 







'Once you learn to read, you will be forever free'

Reading is at the heart of the our curriculum, we want every cReading 1.jpghild to discover the joy of reading for pleasure. 

We expect every child to read at home at least 4 times per week, this does not have to be a school reading book it can be anything that your child enjoys reading. 

We also want to promote a love of reading by encouraging parents to read to their children. Cosy up and enjoy a book together!

Click here to see our book recommendations: Book recommendations in Mrs Hughes & Mrs Hooper's Class (padlet.com)

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In our class reading sessions, we will be reading a range of texts including play scripts, information texts and short stories. 

We will be focusing on developing our comprehension skills. 


During our reading lessons we will continue to develop our VIPERS skills. Remember that VIPERS stands for vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising.



In Science lessons, we will be learning about 'Sound'

download.jpgWe will be: 

  • Identifying how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating.
  • Recognising that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.
  • Finding patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it.
  • Finding patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
  • Recognising that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.



Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and is expected to be handed in on the following Tuesday.

There will be a piece of maths homework and a spelling task. 

There will also be learning log task based on our topic to complete every 3 or 4 weeks. (Please find our Summer Learning log task attached at the bottom of this page) 

In addition to this, we expect children to complete tasks on Times table rockstars and also read at least 4x per week. 


Children are expected to be able to read and spell common exception words, there is a set for years 3&4. The list is attached at the bottom of this page. 



In PE this half-term, we will be taking part in Athletics on a Wednesday and Rounders on a Friday. 

The children should come to school at the beginning of the week with their PE kit in a small, drawstring bag, which is to be kept in school until Friday when we will send them home for washing. In Key Stage 2, it is an expectation that the children get themselves ready for PE.

Children will usually wear their white shorts and navy PE t-shirt for PE but, while the cooler weather is approaching, they can instead wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings with their PE t-shirt and school sweatshirt or cardigan if they wish to. It is a good idea to have both options in the PE bag - please make sure that you show your children the different items that are in there or even get them to pack it with you!

Please ensure all items are labelled with your child's name.


Your child will need a coat in school at all times as we will be doing as much as we can outside.

No bags, apart from lunch bags, book bags and PE bags, are needed in school.

Please make sure that all items of clothing, including PE kits, shoes, and coats, have the children's names on the labels. The children may be able to identify their belongings at home, but it is surprising how difficult they find it when they haven't worn something for a while and it looks so similar to everyone else’s!

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Please remember that children need a full water bottle every day and we will send them home every night for a wash and refill.

Things to Do at Home



Practise your times tables and test your recall of multiplication facts against the clock.

Play here: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/23174


Play exciting maths game such as 'Push the Button'




Listen to stories and read along


Oxford Owl



Create music






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